Sunchoke - Variety White Fuseau - Helianthus tuberosa - Sunroot - Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers for Planting or Eating

Sunchoke - Variety White Fuseau - Helianthus tuberosa - Sunroot - Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers for Planting or Eating

Regular price $4.99 Sale

Highly productive white form with no side nodules on the tubers. Very easy to Clean and prepare. Later ripening but perfect for most soils - Usually comes out of the ground clean. Has a nice smooth flavor. One of the best flavored cultivated selections with a thinner skin. Spreads by long rhizomes which fill completely by October. White Fuseau is the carrot of sunchokes.

This native member of the sunflower family is a strong spreading perennial
with beautiful yellow daisy flowers crowning tall green leafy stalks in late summer.  The tubers, or sunchokes, are best harvested in the late fall and are fine to harvest until growth begins again in the spring. They taste great when cooked, boiled or sautéed; and are especially delicious as a potato substitute in a German potato salad recipe.  

Permaculturists like Helianthus tuberosus because it’s a hefty producer and a great companion plant.  One can produce hundreds of pounds of tubers in say, a 6×16 foot garden bed, during one season.

There are many varieties of this vigorous and fruitful tuber.  We like the texture and flavor of this variety the best.

Of all the ‘chokes we harvested, ‘White Fuseau’ is the best choice for restaurants and chefs due to their smooth skin, long, oval “fingerling” shape, and sweet flavor.