Oca! staple food of the Andean peoples for centuries.
All parts of this wonderful plant are edible. The thick succulent stems have a tart taste and can be used like rhubarb. The flowers are small and mild to the taste. It has clover like leaves that can be a surpising addition to a salad. But the real prize of this beautiful plant are the tubers which come in a wide range of colors, shapes, patterns, sizes and textures. They can be eaten raw or fried, baked or boiled and mashed like potatoes. They taste a little like potato, a little like carrot and they have a hint of sour cream flavor. Nutritionally it is similar to potato but with 20% less calories.
If you would like to grow your own you can either plant the tubers whole or cut them with an eye or 2 for each piece that you plant. The eyes will sprout new plants just like potatoes.
The plants grow up to 18" tall and up to 36" in diameter. The stems will sprawl and make an excellent weed choking ground cover. It is an attractive plant and would make a great addition to your vegetable or ornamental garden.